Vibrant Lined Starburst Sparkle








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Vibrant Lined Starburst Sparkle





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She grew up in a small little farm house with her mother and grandfather. Her father was from there originally so once they discovered her mother was pregnant while on vacation from the states, that is where the family stayed. Growing up, Aki did what she was asked because she didnt want to hear the complaints of her family, you see aki could hear their inner thoughts so it was easier this way. Amongst her duties to the farm she developed her own interests, most involved getting out of the house and spending time with the dead, because she finally found some inner peace with them. Her friends and relationships were also limited because of this sixth sense, so she taught herself to draw to pass the time. Now a days it was just her in that old farm house, her remaining family had passed in a freak accident on their way back from dropping her at college. Its been a year since and shes sold the property surrounding her home to sustain herself and pay back her college fees, but this has left the house needing more TLC then she could give. Things are looking up for her though, she has a pretty steady job at a funeral home, finally allowing her to put her knowledge to good use.

“ They can see all my thoughts. It's like being made of


She is fairly shy and reserved. Most of the time she is the least likely person to talk in the room unless you get her talking about her passions. Then its an overload of passion for the subject. Though she has limited interaction to the living she is fascinated with people. clumsy and awkward best describe her interactions with people though she tries. Her loyalty is fierce, and she is quick to grow attached. she cares with her whole heart and is very emotional. getting overwhelmed by her emotions more often then not. She’s the kind of girl that goes to the cemetery to have a picnic with herself and her sketchbook. joy comes easily to her, she appreciates the simple pleasures of life.



Y2K Circle Stars Shapes

At a young age she discovered her emotions triggered this sixth sense. Hearing conversations that clearly were not spoken aloud. In her anger or frustration objects flying off shelves and breaking.


who is Aki?

who is Aki?

Y2K Aesthetic Elements

In her spare time she likes to take trips to the cemetery near by. Though she cant see the spirits she can feel them and often is compelled to draw what she thinks this spirit would look like.


Y2K Aesthetic Elements

Due to her abilities she was always outcast from the rest of the kids. This lead her to pursue her interests in the dead. Where she found the best career, all her clients cant talk back and she gets to make her own schedule, whats not to love?



The Little things

The Little things

Sketchy Veiny Petal Flower Element

Age: 25



Though she has the face of a child she is actually well into her 20's. Frequently she will be mistaken for a high school student.


Sexuality: Straight

Hair: Silver white with brown roots

Eyes: Sage green

Skin: Peachy pale

Height: 5'

Weight: 210 lbs. (mainly in her hips)

Body type: Curvy and voluptuous

Markings: She has a beauty mark under her right eye.

Her sexuality has always been firm, but she can appreciate a female body as an artist. She tends to study beauty in the form of any gender.